<div id="scoreBlock">
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Aces:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1ace>>
<span id="buttonCol">
<<button "-">>
<<set $p1ace to $p1ace - 1>>
<<button "+">>
<<set $p1ace to $p1ace + 1>>
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Two's:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1two>>
<span id="buttonCol">
<<button "-">>
<<set $p1two to $p1two - 2>>
<<button "+">>
<<set $p1two to $p1two + 2>>
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Threes:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1three>>
<span id="buttonCol">
<<button "-">>
<<set $p1three to $p1three - 3>>
<<button "+">>
<<set $p1three to $p1three + 3>>
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Fours:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1four>>
<span id="buttonCol">
<<button "-">>
<<set $p1four to $p1four - 4>>
<<button "+">>
<<set $p1four to $p1four + 4>>
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Fives:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1five>>
<span id="buttonCol">
<<button "-">>
<<set $p1five to $p1five - 5>>
<<button "+">>
<<set $p1five to $p1five + 5>>
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Sixes:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1six>>
<span id="buttonCol">
<<button "-">>
<<set $p1six to $p1six - 6>>
<<button "+">>
<<set $p1six to $p1six + 6>>
<hr id="formSpace">
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Sub Total:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1subTotal>>
<<set $p1subTotal to $p1ace + $p1two + $p1three + $p1four + $p1five + $p1six>>
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Bonus:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1bonus>>
<<if $p1subTotal gt 62>>
<<set $p1bonus to 35>>
<<set $p1bonus to 0>>
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Upper Total:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1uppTotal>>
<<set $p1uppTotal to $p1subTotal + $p1bonus>>
<hr id="formSep">
<div id="scoreBlock">
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">3 of a Kind:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p13ofkind>>
<span id="buttonCol">
<<button "-">>
<<set $p13ofkind to $p13ofkind - 1>>
<<button "+">>
<<set $p13ofkind to $p13ofkind + 1>>
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">4 of a Kind:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p14ofkind>>
<span id="buttonCol">
<<button "-">>
<<set $p14ofkind to $p14ofkind - 1>>
<<button "+">>
<<set $p14ofkind to $p14ofkind + 1>>
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Full House:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1fullHouse>>
<span id="buttonCol">
<<button "-">>
<<set $p1fullHouse to $p1fullHouse - 25>>
<<button "+">>
<<set $p1fullHouse to $p1fullHouse + 25>>
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Small Straight:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1smallStraight>>
<span id="buttonCol">
<<button "-">>
<<set $p1smallStraight to $p1smallStraight - 30>>
<<button "+">>
<<set $p1smallStraight to $p1smallStraight + 30>>
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Large Straight:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1largeStraight>>
<span id="buttonCol">
<<button "-">>
<<set $p1largeStraight to $p1largeStraight - 40>>
<<button "+">>
<<set $p1largeStraight to $p1largeStraight + 40>>
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Chance:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1chance>>
<span id="buttonCol">
<<button "-">>
<<set $p1chance to $p1chance - 1>>
<<button "+">>
<<set $p1chance to $p1chance + 1>>
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">YAHTZEE:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1yahtzee>>
<span id="buttonCol">
<<button "-">>
<<set $p1yahtzee to $p1yahtzee - 50>>
<<button "+">>
<<set $p1yahtzee to $p1yahtzee + 50>>
<hr id="formSpace">
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Yahtzee Bonus:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1yahtzeeBonus>>
<span id="buttonCol">
<<button "-">>
<<set $p1yahtzeeBonus to $p1yahtzeeBonus - 100>>
<<button "+">>
<<set $p1yahtzeeBonus to $p1yahtzeeBonus + 100>>
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">Lower Total:</span>
<span id="resultCol">
<<print $p1lowTotal>>
<<set $p1lowTotal to $p13ofkind + $p14ofkind + $p1fullHouse + $p1smallStraight + $p1largeStraight + $p1chance + $p1yahtzee + $p1yahtzeeBonus>>
<hr id="formSep">
<div id="scoreBlock">
<div id="formRow">
<span id="nameCol">GRAND TOTAL:</span>
<span id="grandResult">
<<print $p1grandTotal>>
<<set $p1grandTotal to $p1uppTotal + $p1lowTotal>>
<</nobr>>/* This was put together by Brook Gerard AKA EkDor with the assistance of intfiction.org members. I created it as a learning project. */
<<set $sFull to false>>
<<if $p1ace isnot "defined">> <<set $p1ace to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1two isnot "defined">> <<set $p1two to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1three isnot "defined">> <<set $p1three to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1four isnot "defined">> <<set $p1four to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1five isnot "defined">> <<set $p1five to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1six isnot "defined">> <<set $p1six to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1SubTotal isnot "defined">> <<set $p1subTotal to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1Bonus isnot "defined">> <<set $p1bonus to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1UppTotal isnot "defined">> <<set $p1uppTotal to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p13ofkind isnot "defined">> <<set $p13ofkind to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p14ofkind isnot "defined">> <<set $p14ofkind to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1fullHouse isnot "defined">> <<set $p1fullHouse to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1smallStraight isnot "defined">> <<set $p1smallStraight to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1largeStraight isnot "defined">> <<set $p1largeStraight to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1chance isnot "defined">> <<set $p1chance to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1yahtzee isnot "defined">> <<set $p1yahtzee to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1yahtzeeBonus isnot "defined">> <<set $p1yahtzeeBonus to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1lowTotal isnot "defined">> <<set $p1lowTotal to 0>> <</if>>
<<if $p1grandTotal isnot "defined">> <<set $p1grandTotal to 0>> <</if>>
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<<if $sFull is false>>
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<<run Fullscreen.toggle();>>
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<<button "Exit FullScreen">>
<<run Fullscreen.toggle();>>
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<<button "Reset">>
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Aces: 0
Two's: 0
Threes: 0
Fours: 0
Fives: 0
Sixes: 0
Sub Total: 0
Bonus: 0
Upper Total: 0
3 of a Kind: 0
4 of a Kind: 0
Full House: 0
Small Straight: 0
Large Straight: 0
Chance: 0
Yahtzee Bonus: 0
Lower Total: 0